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During this afternoon, doctors from LUMC and a bone archaeologist from Leiden University show that bones are alive.

Your bones... are alive! They renew every 10 years, our environment affects them, and despite being strong they can break. Are you coming to see what can be read from your bones today? 

Dr Sarah Schrader (osteoarchaeologist, Leiden University), Dr Natasha Appelman-Dijkstra and Dr Liesbeth Winter (internists LUMC) are ready for you. They will demonstrate with demonstrations and pop-up lectures that bone is alive. An afternoon where you can also work on your bones yourself. 

Location: Stedelijk Gymnasium location Athena, Fruinlaan 15, 2313 EP Leiden 

Time: 15.00 - 17.00 hours 

Entrance: Free. Registration is not necessary. 

An evening activity will also be organised on 1 November: Day of the Dead