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How can we make a crowd move more safely and efficiently through a station or museum, or along a busy walking route? Alessandro Corbetta discusses recent experiments in this area.

In collaboration with the Lorentz Center, Rijksmuseum Boerhaave is organising the Lorentz Lecture "How do we walk in crowds? A brief journey from crowd physics to smart environments". The lecture will be given by Alessandro Corbetta.

When: Wednesday, 23 February, 18:00 - 19:00
Where: at the museum or via livestream
For whom: for all who have registered
Cost: free with a valid ticket for the museum

Please note: are you in the museum for this lecture? Then we will check the CoronaCheck app.

About the lecture

Busier urban areas, together with raised expectations in terms of safety and commuting efficiency, call for a deep understanding of human crowd dynamics.

From indoor to outdoor environments, from diluted to dense regimes, crowd flows present extremely challenging physics. Made of special "active" granular particles –pedestrians – they have deep connections with the dynamics of fluids. Comprehending and modeling crowd flows is however much more than an outstanding fundamental issue; it entails the capability of rendering our environments, such as stations, museums, and walkways, smarter, and capable of accommodating more people in higher comfort.

In this talk, I will provide an overview of the field of "crowd dynamics", and discuss our recent naturalistic experiments - outdoor and in museums - aimed at modeling and steering the crowd behavior via the analysis of millions of trajectories.

More information about the speaker, the lecture and how to register? Click here.