Month of Tutankhamun
- Rijksmuseum van Oudheden

100 years since the world-famous pharaoh: a month full of activities.
2022 is a special year for lovers of ancient Egypt: On November 4th, it will be 100 years since the world-famous pharaoh Tutankhamun was discovered beneath the sands. At the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, the Netherlands’ foremost collection of Egyptian antiquities, we will be commemorating this find with the 'Month of Tutankhamun'. Starting our event series will be an Egyptian-themed party on Friday November 4th, with guided tours, performances and music. Throughout the month, we will also host a range of Egyptian-themed activities for young and old, including lectures, games and children's activities.
The activities are organised by the Leiden University Faculty of Archaeology and the Faculty of Humanities, the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO) and LeidenGlobal, in collaboration with the National Museum of Antiquities.