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Ever wanted to know what lives under the ground of the gnome house in Leiden's Plantsoen park? Dive into the world of biodiversity. By and for residents, for both young and old!

One of the most beautiful parts of Leiden's Singelpark route is located on the edge of Levendaal East: the Plantsoen. Today's activity highlights this unique part of the city park. With the help of various guides, biologists, and a magnifying glass, we'll go in search of everything that lives and crawls between the roots of the trees, at the gnome house, and along the waterfront in the Plantsoen. It will be an afternoon activity for and by residents, suitable for both young and old. There will be 6-8 people per guide, with tours lasting approximately 45 minutes.

Leiden has many insectologists who want to share their knowledge with the public. The Taxon Expedition Foundation will shape this project together with the neighbourhood committee De Hoogste Woerd.

Location: Plantsoen Leiden, near the gnome house

Time: 10.00 - 12.00 hrs

Language: Dutch and English

Ticket: Free!