Active and Relaxed at your desk - Alexander Technique at work
- Gezondheidscentrum Stevenshof

A correct posture while working is more important than you think. Learn how to sit better behind your laptop in the workshop "Active and relaxed working".
How do you sit behind your desk? And where are the sitbones and what about the upper and lower back in the chair? Devoted to the screen, tension in cheeks and holding your breath, raised shoulders and stiff legs…. your whole body is extremely tensed to do the task while you’re just working behind the screen!
Chronic tension is a major source of workrelated disorders on arms, neck, shoulders or back, fatique and headdaches. How to get control over your tension and reduce or prevent workrelated complaints?
In the workshop “Active and Relaxed at your desk - Alexander Technique at work” you’ll discover your own habits in posture and movement and the excessive (muscle) tension of your body. You learn about sitbones and the balance and stability during sitting. And above all the importance of the head neck and back and their relationship to relaxation.
Take your own device (laptop, ipad or mobile) and experience the Alexander Technique improving your conciousness to reduce or prevent workrelated complaints.
13:00 – 13:45 Active and Relaxed at your desk with Alexander Techniek
14:00 – 14:30 Interaction time, Stutter Centre Leiden
15:00 – 15:45 Active and Relaxed at your desk with Alexander Techniek
16:00 – 16:30 Interaction time, Stutter Centre Leiden
Location: Gezondheidscentrum Stevenshof, Theda Mansholtstraat 7, 2331 JE Leiden
Time: 13.00 - 17.00 hrs
Ticket: Free! You can register by mailing to
Meer informatie op de website.