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The massive amount of progress within the field technology has a lot of consequences for the industrial production processes, and for the world economy in general.

There's new machines and robots being developed all the time. Some newer machines need advanced mathematical algorithms and a massive variety of ways to insert information and products into them.  

These machines don't have to lead to an apocalypse with destastrous consequences for workers, humans are the driving factor behind these machines after all. They're the ones who innovate and produce these technological advances for companies and organisations. This is called The Power of People. 

Join a Spanish conference about this subject! This conference is mainly meant for students of the Visser´t Hooft Lyceum, but visitors from outside of the school are also welcome if they send an email to

The Speakers  

  • Carles Sierra and João Valente, researchers and experts in this field, will talk about how essential humans are despite the simple access and connection in this digital era. People's capability to imagine new products and new services, our curiosity to analyse the gaps within a system, our ability to discover new sources of information and creativity to understand those things that a machine cannot, are essential to understand and anticipate the concerns of people in the future. 
  • Carles Sierra (Barcelona, 1963) is a professor, researcher, and director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) of the National Research Directory of the CSIC. He is also a professor at the Western Sydney University and the head editor of the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. He has taken part in over 40 research projects financed by the European Union. He even received the ACM / SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award in 2019.
  • João Valente (Lissabon, Portugal) studied computer and electro engineering at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and graduated cum laude in Robotics and Automatisation at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He was also honored three times for the best thesis in the academic and industrial world. Right now, he is an Assistant Professor at the Information Technology Group (INF) of Wageningen University & Research (WUR), and the director of the Social Drones Lab.

Practical Information 

1st of December 2022 
19:00 - 21:00 
Visser 't Hooft Lyceum 
Kagerstraat 1, 2334CP, Leiden