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Did you know that November 1 is Day of the Dead? For many cultures, this is a day to reflect on ancestors and previous generations. Come to this activity and learn all about archaeology and death.

On November 1, the Day of the Dead is organized by the Laboratory of Human Osteoarchaeology. An entire evening will focus on death.

Guest speakers will give flash lectures on how archaeologists use human bones to learn more about the past. Topics of these flash lectures include: mummies, vampires, Frankenstein burials and the Black Death. Visitors can also participate in workshops, where participants will be asked to solve a cold-case involving (plastic) human bones. Afterwards, a quiz will take place to test your knowledge and there will be room for questions and discussion if attendees want to know more about archaeology and bones.


18.30 - 19.00: Walk-in

19.00 - 19.10: Introduction

19.15 - 20.00: Round 1 - Flash lectures/Workshop/Quiz

20.00 - 20.15: Break 

20.15 - 21.00: Round 2 - Flash Lectures/Workshop/Quiz

21.00 - 21.30: Closure

There is a limited capacity of 90 people for this event. Furthermore, a maximum of 30 people can participate in each activity. Therefore, you are asked to indicate your preferred activity in advance. You can sign up using this link

This event is for children and adults of 12 years and older.

Location: Leonardo College, Telderskade 43, Leiden

Time: 18.00 - 21.30

Entrance: Free