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What about the care of older people from non-Western immigrant backgrounds? Find out during this lecture and join the discussion about the future.

Dementia is a common disease that occurs in the elderly. Fortunately, many dementia care services exist that help people cope with dementia. But what about the elderly from immigrant backgrounds? After all, this group is growing rapidly, increasing the need for care and support.

The evening of Monday, Dec. 12, will feature a lecture on dementia care for seniors with non-Western migration backgrounds. For example, Rayan Younis of the Leids Steunloket Migranten will present the concept of the elderly oasis 'activity center for the elderly' and Walter Schrader will be present, advisor and key supporter of the Leids Steunloket Migranten.

Afterwards there will be room for questions and you are invited to an enlightening discussion about the future. Will you join?

  • Who knows?

Walter Schrader is a general practitioner and disaster doctor with 40 years of experience in Dutch health care, Tropical Medicine and Disaster Management. He has been a lecturer and guest lecturer at several universities in the Netherlands and abroad, was head of the Department of Social Medical Care of the Municipality of Rotterdam, advisor on homelessness policy through the Health Council and received several national and international awards for his work including honorary citizenship of Osiek (Poland), Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau and Leiden Person of the Year 2021. With his many positions and contacts in health care and politics, he is a key advisor and supporter of the Leids Steunloket Migranten.  

Location: Playground Westerkwartier, Ten Katestraat 10A, 2321 AW Leiden

Time: 19.00 - 22.30

Entrance: Free, sign up via the contact form