- Hotel NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst

Vaatdagen 2022 is a congress for vascular surgeons and all those training for a similar profession or who are interested in this field.
During the Vaatdagen 2022, vascular surgeons, laboratory technicians, interventional radiologists and others interested will come together to follow lectures, attend parallel sessions and network. There will be joint meals, a festive evening and an award ceremony for the best paper. The Vascular Days 2022 are accredited by several organisations, including the Dutch Vereniging voor Heelkunde and the National Association of Operating Assistants.
Who knows
This congress will be organised by the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vaatchirurgie and CongressCare.
The Dutch Society for Vascular Surgery (NVvV) is the scientific professional association for vascular surgeons and doctors in training for this profession.
CongressCare is a congress bureau specialised in the organisation of (international) medical scientific meetings. As a certified Professional Congress Organiser, CongressCare realises congresses and symposia for scientific associations, medical companies and medical specialists.
Terrain: Vascular Surgery
Location: Hotel NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst, Langelaan 3, 2211 XT Noordwijkerhout