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What is spirituality anyway? Talking to dead people and flying around on unicorns? Eveline Ramaekers explains what she thinks it is all about in the workshop Spirituality for Sceptics.

Spirituality. What does this word evoke in you? Smoke your house with sage, maybe? Or talk to dead people? Flying around on unicorns? Maybe you find spirituality something for the floaty types. Goat wool socks. Dancing at full moon. something like that? Eveline Ramaekers has an academic background. For years she has worked as a lawyer for universities in the Netherlands and abroad until she started dealing with sage, dead people and unicorns. Only to discover that that is not what it is really about. So what is it then? Discover it yourself in her workshop "Spirituality for Sceptics". 

For people who are shy from spirituality but who are curious at the same time. Be welcome! Then you can still have that chat about dead people and unicorns. 

Tijd: 13.30h - 15.30h

Locatie: Bibliotheek Voorschoten, Wijngaardenlaan 4, 2252 XN Voorschoten

Entree: Members of the Voorschoten-Wassenaar Library €7,50 / non-members €8,50 incl. coffee/tea. Tickets can be bought on the website or at the desk of the library. This activity is in Dutch

More information on the website.