What did the bee say to the flower? Hey, bud! Bees: the buzzing insects that fertilise almost all our flowers and — much like us — also live together in communities. Specifically, beehives. Without bees, there would be no buzz. The striped, fuzzy workers do more than you think. Think about it! Without beeswax, there would be no candles, lipstick, or polishes. Without honey, there’d be no baklava or cups of mint tea. Bees are un-bee-lievable.

League of European Reserach Universities (LERU)
LERU is an association of leading European research-intensive universities that share the values of high-quality teaching within an environm...

- Leiden
The Leiden Maths Walk
For lovers of maths, there's a walk they can go on all by themselves: The Leiden Maths Walk with challenging mathematical questions.

- Leiden
Route of Discoveries
There have been a lot of amazing and important discoveries done in Leiden. Follow the Route of Discoveries: see new places in the city or fi...

- Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Playing with mathematics
Maths is really everywhere. Make a whirlpool and build your own bridge. Discover what sound looks like and play with perspective like an art...

- Museum de Lakenhal
Museum De Lakenhal shows planktonium by Jan van Ijken: a magical art film about the life of plankton.

Vereniging voor Verslavingsgeneeskunde Nederland Lustrumcongres 2022
The lustrum congress of the Association for Addiction Medicine is a congress full of plenary sessions, parallel sessions and workshops.

- Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Suicide and its Prevention: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives in Nursing, 1880-2020
The conference focuses on the specific role of nurses in general and/or in mental health settings, who have experienced patients expressing ...

- Gravensteen
Monarchy in Turmoil. Princes, Courts, and Politics in Revolution and Restoration, 1780-1830 Conference
Monarchy in Turmoil' invites researchers to present and share their knowledge and work on European monarchies between 1780 and 1830.